ACTS1630.COM was inspired by the book, WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? by IPM’s founder, Chaplain Ray Hoekstra.
ACTS1630.COM is an evangelistic ministry that proclaims Christ to the unsaved, whether inside or outside prison walls. It’s purpose and function is to point people to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and for HIM to be the highest priority in their lives.
The mission and calling of International Prison Ministry (IPM) is to share God’s love to prisoners by proclaiming His truth which alone is able to set them free (Isaiah 61:1). Through God’s forgiveness, prisoners can experience true freedom and new life in Him. Here at IPM, we want to be used of God in making disciples of Jesus Christ in the often forgotten mission field behind bars in jails and prisons (Matthew 28:19). We praise the Lord for enabling IPM to proclaim these great truths for decades, and are also thankful to God for those who have partnered with us which has enabled IPM to freely distribute Bibles and Christian literature to prisoners.
Every year, tens of thousands of letters from prisoners are received at IPM. Each letter is carefully read and prayerfully answered. All prisoners also receive a free gift of a Bible or other Christian books that have been requested. A variety of additional Bible based books are sent every time an inmate corresponds with us.